September 3, 2024

Walking in the Rain with Sadie

Lion’s Tale Trail
George Washington National Forest

Wordless / Travel Tuesday / 2007 Post about this Trail


  1. both dogs and waters are beautiul :)

  2. Looks like Charlie is in great shape.

  3. I guess Charlie and Sadie do not mind walking in the rain. They are both cute! Take care, have a great day!

  4. ..."Walking in the Rain," a great song.

  5. A walk with dampness, from the sky and the creek, and it looks like a spring as well. Nice to see another dog walking with Charlie.

  6. Lovely walk with the dogs... and remberings to our Chow-Chow.

    Thank you for you sharing. Your part at MM.
    Wish you a very good time

  7. Looks a nice walk with the dogs.

    All the best Jan


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