September 2, 2024

Second Mural at the Edinburg Pool

Edinburg Town Park

In mid-June, I posted a picture of a mural in progress at the public swimming pool in Edinburg. I later saw the artist at ArtFest and learned that she was painting another mural on a different side of the same building. Charlie and I went by there the other day, and I got pictures of the fun duck paintings on the changing room doors.

Monday Murals

I also took a picture of the first mural, which unfortunately was in deep shade.

The artist calls her business “Studio Sasquatch,” but her real name is Ennedi Shtanko. She says that she spent many childhood hours at this swimming pool. She relates to Sasquatch as an independent spirit living deep in nature.


  1. The first mural is cute, great finds. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  2. So cute, love the various ducks. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  3. Pools closed here as of yesterday.

  4. Great humorous duck doors. The other mural doesn't seem quite as well done, though of course the shade might contribute to that...lack of contrast, subject not that clear.

  5. I LOVE murals and both of them are great! My daughter and I have a trip planned at the end of November for my birthday to Lake Placid, Florida. It's the "Mural Capital of Florida". Thanks for sharing them with us!

  6. That first mural is so good, I'm smiling looking at it :)

    All the best Jan

  7. Just discovered your blog - thanks for your thoughtful posts! Will check out this next weekend when we are visiting Shenandoah County!


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