In Sperryville, VA |
This lovely mural can be seen from the parking lot at River District Arts. I was surprised to read that it was a school project!
Mural Design and Artwork Created by Students
From Belle Meade, Hearthstone, and R.C.E.S.
Rappahannock County, Virginia
"With this vision we unite all people of the world through a common pledge. This community art project created to honor Earth Day, was designed to emphasize the urgent need for continued environmental and wildlife conservation for all life forms, many of which are already endangered or on the verge of extinction. It is intended to recognize and support the National Park Service, as well as other countless organizations and individuals in our communities that dedicate efforts to preserving and protecting nature. Illustrated here are only several of the over 500 known or likely known species native to the Shenandoah National Park and surrounding areas which can be found listed in the Biota of Virginia Database as a “Concern for Conservation” by the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service or vafwis.org. We encourage others around the globe to come together in celebration and commitment and use this mural as a template to illustrate the myriad of endangered species native to their own parks and backyards."

You can actually see photos of children working on the mural on the
Living Sky website.