September 4, 2024

Hummingbirds are Starting to Migrate

Hummingbirds are beginning their journey to southern climes, and I saw one on Monday. I still haven't gotten any clear pictures of them this year. I did not have my camera ready this time because I was eating lunch on the deck. It spotted Charlie and flew away.

Well, I made an AI pictures of hummingbirds. It looks like they’re having quite a gathering! At least it didn’t give them four wings this time, which it sometimes does when I tell it to draw a bird. AI is notorious for being unable to count, and gives people extra fingers so often that it  has become a joke.

Wild Bird Wednesday

I feel like I owe you a real photo, so here’s a picture of the shirt that I bought this spring at Garden fest. I finally wore it today because the weather was cool enough for long sleeves this morning. This afternoon was warm, though.



  1. Love the AI hummer image and your t-shirt is cute.
    Take care, have a great day!

  2. ...I will hate to see them leave.

  3. Not a fan of AI. It's funny, I like lots of other creative mediums, but not this one. Love the shirt!

  4. We love the hummingbirds here, too. They are amazing. Your shirt is awesome, by the way! :)

  5. I haven't fooled around with AI images, I have to wonder what it would do to redesign a garden? I like the shirt, can only dream of long sleeves at this point!


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