August 31, 2024

Charlie’s End of August Report

Hi, I'm back with another short report from a dog's point of view. Right now it's raining so we can't go for an adventure. We were outside earlier, but then Mom had to go to the store to buy me more dog food. I don’t like dry kibble so I want the good stuff.

Yesterday we went out the front door to take a walk and there was something hiding in the garden. Look, it’s a cat! It’s not a friendly cat so it didn’t come to play with me.

Mom took a couple of pictures because it was hard to see the cat crouching down in the shadows. She lightened one and filtered it in Picsart.

Do you like horses? They are bigger than dogs.

Even though I don’t like riding in the car, I like going different places to explore. I guess Mom already told you about the sunflower maze. It’s a good thing I was there to help her find her way.

I like going to the dog park. I don’t know why we don’t go there every day. It’s a good place to run, or just sit on the bench. 

Sometimes no one else is there, but here’s a dog who came on Sunday. 

Keep on smiling! And be nice to dogs!


  1. Thank you Charlie, for summing up August for us! That cat did appear more evident with all the color. I am not sure horses ever play with dogs either. But that last guy does look like he could be fun.

  2. Why can’t you go out while it’s raining, Charlie?

    1. It was actually a severe thunderstorm, but I haven’t explained to Charlie about the dangers of lightning.

  3. ...Charlie, I wish you a Specular September.

  4. Thanks for the update Charlie. The dog park sounds fun, a good place for you to run free. The horses are pretty! Sorry the kitty is not friendly. I like the smiling doggie too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a wonderful week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. Lovely photos of you and all the other animals, Charlie!

  6. Nice report, Charlie. Have a Super September and enjoy the "good" dog food. You deserve the best! :)

  7. Charlie, you are the sweetest and made the little dog smile so pay no mind to grumpy cat. He will come round, or forever be square ;) I like your mom’s effects too.

  8. Almost forgot, I love the big, big dogs :)

  9. Ups! my first comment didn’t publish I said nice things about you because you are the sweetest.

    1. I found it, marked as spam for an inexplicable reason. There are bots at work and they are not very bright.

  10. It looks like you have lots of adventures and things to look at when it rains too. I love that sneaky cat pic!

  11. Aww Charlie, I always enjoy reading your reports and seeing the photographs.

    All the best Jan


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