September 1, 2024

Former Bridge, Current Bridge

City Daily Photo Theme: Bridges

Here we see what remains of a bridge that crossed the South Fodk of the Shenandoah at Front Royal. The old support piers have transformed into little islands covered with trees. 

A Civil War trails marker stands at the viewpoint, which is where the old road now ends. It tells of efforts by Union soldiers to burn the bridge as they left Front Royal, pursued by Confederate forces (May 1862). They were only partly successful here, but did manage to burn a second bridge, which crossed the North Fork. Unfortunately for them, their pursuers were able to swim across the North Fork and continue the chase.

 I have visited this site before, and I see that I posted the sign in 2012, but it has been replaced since then with a slightly different version. The newer bridge that’s to the left of this one has also been replaced since then. Routes 340, 522, and 55 all come together to cross on a single bridge. 

This site is slightly upriver from where the North Fork comes in and joins the South Fork. From there, the Shenandoah flows down to Harpers Ferry, where it joins the Potomac.

The last time I was here, a VFW (veterans’ club) facility was next door, but it has been replaced by a river adventure outfitter that offers tubing and boating. Colorful buses transport tourists to a boat launch.


  1. It is good the old bridges are being replaced with new ones! The painted bus is colorful! Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  2. Tubing down a river is certainly a nice summer pastime! You've got a good grasp on the recent and past history of those bridges.

  3. Interesting bit of history on those bridges. A fun way for people to get down to the river.

  4. The buses certainly look colourful.

    All the best Jan


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