August 30, 2024

Community Bulletin Board

Woodstock, VA

Here we see a man tacking up a notice. I had just posted one myself for a musical event sponsored by Friends of Seven Bends State Park.
Beats on the Bend, September 22, 2 P.M. 

I paused to take a picture of flowers in a planter. The lavender blue flowers are salvia.


  1. The first shot is quite a documentary telling a story

  2. I see the community boards in our local food stores.
    The flowers are pretty! Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  3. Community board are useful tools, especially if people respect what should be posted there.

  4. Seems like there's a lot going on there. Beautiful flowers!

  5. I hope many people look at those fliers.

  6. Great street shot! I haven't seen one of those bulletin boards in years.

  7. Bulletin boards are such useful items!


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