August 29, 2024

This Morning, This Evening

When Charlie took me for a walk this morning, the sky was pretty. He stood still just long enough for me to take a few pictures.

Soon the sun came out and it was very bright. The temperature went up to a humid 89°F before a thunderstorm brought relief this afternoon. It didn’t last long, and produced a rainbow. If you look closely, there is a faint secondary rainbow above it.


  1. What a lovely morning and afternoon you had! It sounds like Charlie's walk was both refreshing and visually stunning. Capturing the sky's beauty, especially with a rainbow and a secondary one, must have been a treat. Those fleeting moments after a storm often bring the most vibrant and serene views. Thanks for sharing your experience!

    I'm excited to share my latest blog post with you! I’d love for you to give it a read and share your thoughts. Thank you

  2. Very pretty skies and that rainbow is delightful! We had quite a thunderstorm here last night, lots of rain. Quite a heatwave yesterday wasn’t it?

  3. Gorgeous skies and I love the rainbow.
    Take care, have a great weekend!

  4. How nice of Charlie to take you for a walk.

  5. Thanks for the nice comment. I'm late replying this week.... Nice too, to walk with you.

    I'm very happy about the contribution to MosaicMonday again, thank you for that. Kind regards from Heidrun

  6. Good looking skies, and you did capture their beauty before Charlie tugged on your arm again!

  7. Charlie is a good sport on the picture taking and you got some good ones. Our little Kodi never stops tugging.

  8. Very nice pictures, so thank you, Charlie, for permitting them. Always nice to see a rainbow. Alana

  9. 89 and humid is a tough combination, but the skies are certainly beautiful!


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