August 28, 2024

Water Birds, Crape Myrtle

Yesterday I took Charlie to the state park for a sniffari walk. It would've been too hot today (over 90°F), but it was bearable then and we walked in the shade. As I drove across the Lupton Road Bridge, I paused to take a picture and saw this bird taking off. It may have been a cormorant, but I didn't get a really good look. 

On the day before, I had two doctor appointments so I left Charlie in daycare. I had free time between the appointments so I took some pictures. I drove past the place where we used to live. The present owner is still remodeling the house. I don’t know if he has moved in. The crape myrtle that we planted in the front yard has grown and is blooming nicely.

The subdivision road curves around the lake. There are still plenty of ducks.


  1. ...I wish that crepe myrtle grew here!

    1. Yes, we are near the northern limit of its range, I think. It does not do well up in our mountains.

  2. Wow! That crepe myrtle is lovely.

    All the best Jan

  3. The water fowls look so relaxed there

  4. 2 doctors appointments in one day? I hope you're okay! Such pretty pics!

    1. I’m okay. I went to the chiropractor for a stiff back and then I went to the podiatrist because I have chronic problems with my feet. It’s part of getting older

  5. The only place to be on a hot day is by the water - assuming the mosquitoes leave you alone!
    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. The crepe myrtle is pretty! Your mystery bird does look like a cormorant. I like the shot with the duck! Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. The Crepe Myrtle is one of the most vibrant I have ever seen! Great catch on the Cormorant take off. I am looking forward to seeing the ducks again. Lovely to see those in your photo.


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