August 27, 2024

Charlie Walks the Sunflower Maze

 Lost Bottoms, Edinburg, VA

Garden Affair / Wordless


  1. I hope Charlie enjoyed his walk among the sunflowers.

  2. What fun, love the sunflower maze. Charlie looks cute as always. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. What a nice play to walk. I hope Charlie had a pleasant time.

  4. Charlie’s adventure through the sunflower maze sounds like such a fun and charming experience! Sunflower mazes always seem like the perfect place for a relaxing stroll and a bit of playful exploration. I bet the vibrant blooms added a beautiful backdrop to your time there. Thanks for sharing this delightful outing!

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  5. Can Charlie sniff his way back out of the maze? I never thought about how a dog might view this challenge.
    best, mae at

    1. I don’t think he understood that getting out was the objective. He just wanted to sniff as much as possible.

  6. A great idea, to make a maze out of sunflowers! It sure would be quite a challenge, unless you had Charlie with you to help!

  7. Such a great walk and lovely to see Charlie enjoying himself.

  8. I love sunflowers, The adorable dog exploring garden with you is a star of the post . Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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