August 26, 2024

Small but Mighty Mural

Luray, VA

This painting of a raptor is on the side of Broad Porch Coffee. I did not find information on it, but I am going to guess that it depicts a hawk because it is steps away from Hawksbill Creek.

Luray is a small but vibrant town, popular with tourists because of Luray Caverns, and proximity to the Shenandoah River and Shenandoah National Park.

Mosaic Monday / Murals


  1. I does look like an hawk. Very well done. Love the beautiful river view and the flower collage. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  2. It’s the bill of a hawk or an eagles to be sure.

  3. The mural is so sharp and beautiful

  4. Great mural and a pretty view of the river. The flowers are beautiful. Take care, have a great day!

  5. ...ready to fly off the wall.

  6. Interesting design based on a raptor, but then takes off into swirls.

  7. Nice mural. I’d love to get back to that area again. I’ve seen the caverns only once.
    best, mae at


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