August 25, 2024

Blessing Box at Warren County Services Complex

Front Royal, VA

This decorated blessing box is at the former middle school that is now the Health and Human Services Complex. The box has a mountain scene painted on one side and flowers on the other side.

I only had a few things to donate. There is a kind local woman who picks up donations at a supermarket and distributes them to the various blessing boxes in Front Royal. People who are out of groceries can stop at one of these boxes and pick up a few things to eat. It works on the honor system, although there are some people who compulsively take more than they need. I don’t think anyone ever takes the last can of beans though.


  1. That is really cool. So thoughtful and kind!

  2. Great system no if people don’t abuse it, even better.

  3. The blessing box is a great idea! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  4. ...let the blessings overflow.

  5. We used to have one in town, and I'd occasionally donate something. But it's been removed, and I don't know any details. It makes me sad. There are several 'free produce' locations and times in town, and I hope that someone can find out about them.

  6. That is a great idea but then of course, you have someone come along and spoil all the good in people. We have people here in the apartment complex who help themselves to whatever they find in our community area. Some people!! UGH

  7. Every little bit helps. Great idea.

  8. A real heart-warming bit of information here. I have seen the little libraries but never a blessing box. It's a great idea.


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