January 28, 2024

Rose Hill Park on Kernstown Battlefield

Near Winchester

Earlier this month I went to Rose Hill Park after an errand in Winchester. I think the last time I was there was on a garden tour in 2022, which is when I took the first three pictures. The house has been restored and is owned by the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley. It is not normally open to the public, although the adjacent park is open and is well used.

At the park entrance is a playground and the beginning of the walking trail. Historical signs tell the story of the first battle of Kernstown, which took place in 1862.

The park is obviously enjoyed by people walking, but also serves as a historical site, a nature preserve, and a farm.  

Some years of passed since I last walked up to the old stone wall that was utilized in the battle. I remember coming here on a field trip before the trails were graded and paved. I was glad that the path is easier now because I am older. 

I remembered this tree by the wall.

The walking tour follows a loop trail. I noticed that dog walkers were taking a shorter trail back to the parking lot, and I followed them. I had made it to the stone wall and that was satisfying 

Shadow Shot / Barns / Mosaic Monday


  1. I bet that Charlie enjoyed the walk too.

  2. Looks like a beautiful park, love the house too.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

  3. ...you had a fabulous day for your visit.

  4. It's so good to visit the parks with such history. We never want to forget. Love your photos!

  5. I think of how men's blood, some bullets perhaps, were left on those stones many years ago. Glad it's a good walking trail for you and Charlie!

  6. I would enjoy exploring here. It’s very picturesque.

  7. Thank you for the nice comment. And of course I'm happy to return the favor. Always a great pleasure, reading here.

    Thank you for this wonderful post on

    Warm hugs from Heidrun

  8. Lovely photos. I love old stone walls! Nice shadows for Shadow Shot Sunday too! Thanks for participating.


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