January 29, 2024

Dogwood Mural

On Thursday, I met Lynn for lunch near Stanton. Then we went into town, checked out the health food store and shopped in the dollar store. We found a mural nearby.

The first picture has a slight distortion because I took it as a panorama with my cell phone and I can’t seem to do that without getting a curve in it. I corrected it partially, using the SKRWT app.

Here’s a closer look.

Monday Murals


  1. The mural is softly painted with serenity

  2. The dogwood blooms are pretty, beautiful mural.
    Take care, have a great day!

  3. Very pretty mural and the background colour enhances the flowers. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  4. Good enough on the panno. Love the shop name! Glad you all had a good lunch & shop meetup.

  5. This is a great mural! Certainly brightens up that building, very cheery!

  6. Love it. What a talented artist.

  7. That is perfect for a boutique. Very pretty.


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