January 30, 2024

The Historic Fairfax Courthouse

Fairfax County's Third Courthouse, c. 1800


Wordless / Tuesday Treasures 


  1. 3rd and last shot are my favorite

  2. Nice tour of the court house, your photos are all wonderful. Take care, have a great day!

  3. A grand building; great that it has been preserved.

  4. ...Linda, you have fabulous images of this historic site.

  5. Such a fine building! Quite a classical feel.
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/01/and-few-street-scenes-from-paray-le.html

  6. Cute trick of the reflected window in the sky...you're moving into surrealism maybe?

  7. Thank you for the nice comment. And of course I'm happy to return the favor.

    Thank you for this wonderful post on

    Warm hugs from Heidrun


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