January 27, 2024

Is the Bad Weather Gone?

Hi, it’s Charlie. I want to warn you about something. It’s called snow and it’s very cold. If there’s a lot of it, we don’t go to the dog park, and sometimes we can’t even walk on the sidewalk. There were a few days when we had to walk in the street! My paws were so cold that I wanted to go back inside. 

We spent more time indoors when the outside was covered with snow. Mom spent extra time looking at her phone and the flat thing she holds on her lap. That was okay because I could lie down next to her or go back to my chair and look out the window or take a nap. But a beagle needs to run, and there was no place to run, and not much to sniff outside because the snow covered everything. One day we went to Lowe’s and walked around and talked to some people. One lady said I was perfect! 

Finally the snow started to shrink and it wasn’t as deep. Some of the sidewalks were clear. One day we went to the state park. We walked on the road there. We didn’t see any dogs, but I could smell that some had been there and also some other animals. We did see some large birds.

Finally, the weather got warmer. This snow started going away. I saw Tripod again.

Yesterday we went to the dog park and played ball. Then today we went back to Seven Bends State Park and all the snow was gone!


  1. No worries, Charlie, warmer weather and zoomies are back - and you're looking pawsitively perfect!

  2. Hello Charlie,
    I can imagine your paws would be very cold in the snow. I am glad it started to melt and you were able to go out for your walks. Adorable photos, you are a cutie. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, Happy Sunday have a great week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. ...it depends how you describe bad!

  4. Hi, Charlie. That lady who said you are perfect is clearly a very discerning Human!
    Yes, snow is horrible and cold and wet. Mummy says it's only good for looking at and taking pictures from the indoor side of a double-glazed window!

  5. I guess it depends on the dog, Charlie. My daughter has a big dog who loves the snow almost more than anything and will stay outside for hours, and is reluctant when the humans tell him it’s time to go. If I am there he licks me like crazy. I swear I could make a scarf out of his tongue!

  6. Thanks for letting us know how snow is in your world Charlie!

  7. going to read about "doggie daycare" in a moment, this is too interesting. i didn't realize that birds like ducks and peacocks would be cool with snow ... wondering what they thought? cold? curious. lol. have a super great week. it is funny how the temps keep changing so. bye for now. ( :

  8. Hi Charlie! I'm glad the snow is now gone so you can go outside and play.

  9. Hi Charlie, I feel just like you do. Nothing to sniff because it’s too cold (though I would like to smell flowers). Not getting enough exercise (though I’m not quite as energetic as you are). Not seeing any other creatures like me (humans in my case). I hope your week goes better.
    Humanly yours… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  10. Snow can be quite scary. We haven't had any here in England yet!

  11. Charlie, you told a lovely story of your happenings. You are such a good boy! Your expressions say it all and made me smile. I love the snow but then I have shoes. I don’t think I would like to walk in snow in my bare feet. So pretty though!


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