January 26, 2024

Snowy Monday, Shenandoah River State Park

 Bentonville, Virginia

The snow is gone now, but I still have pictures of it to share. On Monday, I left Charlie at doggy daycare where he could hopefully get some exercise. I’ve had to to walk him on ice and snow, which is not easy. I went to Front Royal to buy a few groceries and seek photo opportunities.

I checked the status of Skyline Drive, but it was still closed while they cleared snow. (They opened the middle section later that afternoon.) In the valley below Skyline Drive is Shenandoah River State Park, and they rarely close so I headed there. My first stop was Cullers Overlook, which has a great view.

This panoramic shot has a “fisheye” distortion, but it shows you a full bend in the river. The next view is looking downstream with the visitors center visible on the right.

A view like this inspires a selfie. I’m wearing the ear warmer that Lynn gave me for Christmas. Her friend Raylene made it.

I drove down to the road by the river and kept an eye out for wildlife. A group of deer showed up, but only one was clearly visible at a time.

As I left the park, I could see the Blue Ridge Mountains to the east. At this point we are facing Shenandoah in National Park and Skyline Drive.


  1. Such beautiful scenery - and I love your ear-warmer!

  2. Winter has a charm all its own - and you had warm ears while you enjoyed it!

  3. Great landscapes, I love the view of the bend in the river. Cute selfie, I like your ear warmer. Have a happy weekend.

  4. What a pleasant outing. You are brave to walk a dog on ice and snow. I'd break my behind for sure.

  5. Wonderful shots...I was amazed at the height of that first one, it looks as if it were a drone shot! Glad you got them all, the panno is great too!

  6. you look warm. my mom and i keep walking ...had to help her over the snow pile ...i think it is funny how they keep some places cleaned up but like a railroad bridge unclear ...some folks walked across but mom and i turned around. no point in slipping and hurting yourself. but getting exercise is great even in the winter. u take care. ( ;

  7. Amazing pics. it is still very cold in your place


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