January 25, 2024

Five Fifteen

Finally the sun is going down after 5 PM. These shots are from Monday evening. I pulled off in a church parking lot to take pictures because I could see in my rearview mirror that the sky was getting pretty.

I wanted to get to Walmart before the pharmacy closed but I stopped one more time to snap another picture.

When I finally got to the store, I could see that the colors had deepened. I was excited to get another picture and forgot to make a mental note of where I had parked. When I came back out, it was dark and I had forgotten where I left the car. Fortunately, my phone had been a mental note for me, so when I ask Siri “where’s my car?” she showed me a map of the parking lot with my car’s location marked.


  1. Beautiful sky captures. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  2. I am glad you pulled off. Great photos!

  3. What a great thing for Seri to do. Never knew that was available. These sky photos are definitely worth your stopping to capture them!

  4. Those beautiful skies are worth stopping for!! I didn't know Siri did that. I'll have to try it sometime.

  5. Love the second image. The combination of orange sky and white ground is perfect.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  6. You got your priorities right. Get the photo first, always. Especially sunset photos cuz things happen and change fast.


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