January 7, 2020

Winchester's Historic Rose Hill.

Rose Hill Park in Winchester is on part of Kernstown Battlefield. It is popular with both Civil War buffs and citizens who enjoy walking or jogging on the trail.

Civil War Trails signs tell the story of Rose Hill.

Rose Hill 
“I do not recollect having ever heard such a roar of musketry.” 
 — 1862 Valley Campaign —  
"The First Battle of Kernstown, on March 23, 1862, was also the first major Civil War battle fought in the Shenandoah Valley. Throughout the morning, 16 Union cannons on Pritchard’s Hill held off Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson’s overmatched Confederate command. Relying on intelligence that was soon proved faulty, Jackson not only attacked a force that outnumbered his by 3,000 men, but also tried and failed to dislodge the Union guns by direct assault."
This was the beginning of Jackson's Shenandoah Valley Campaign and his only defeat in the Valley.

 Read the rest of the marker on Historical Marker Database.

War in the Backyard.
"Young and recently bereaved of both his father and his wife, William Wood Glass was living at the house when the 1st Battle of Kernstown, March 23, 1862, occurred in his backyard. Not surprisingly, his house was used as a shelter for wounded soldiers."
Rose Hill. Sharing with Tuesday Treasures.
(Note: These photos are from my archive. For pictures of Tuesday's snowfall, please check back on Wednesday evening.)


  1. I love historical places like this one!

  2. Bardzo ciekawe, trochę amerykańskiej historii!

  3. ...we have the Rose Hill Mansion south of here, but it doesn't have quite as colorful history as this. It interesting how many houses became hospitals during the wars. Thanks Linda for sharing, enjoy your week.

  4. Hello, wonderful views of this historical place.
    The trail looks nice! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great week ahead.

  5. I love historical trails like that one. There is so much to see and to think over.

  6. How interesting...and if I were walking those trails, I'd be thinking about the poor soldiers who fought there.

  7. It's surprising that old Stonewall could have been on the losing side of a fight.

  8. It's always interesting to visit historical places.

    All the best Jan


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