January 21, 2024

Christ the King Chapel

Front Royal.VA

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned this church near Front Royal, which I visited on Thursday while Charlie was in daycare. I posted pictures of the exterior in 2022 while it was still under construction. A cold snowy day is a good time to do some sightseeing indoors.

You can find the church by following the signs to Christendom College, a Catholic school. A polite young man, who appeared to be a student, opened an unlocked door for me. The building is now open to the public so I was able to walk around and enjoy the architecture. 

I don’t know why they call this a chapel when it is so large. Perhaps they did not want to call it a cathedral because it is part of the college campus.

I wanted to see the colorful windows, and they did not disappoint.

I was especially moved by the window depicting a chaplain serving on the battlefield. There was also a marvelous depiction of Mother Theresa.

The space itself is quite wonderful, with classical archways and high ceilings. I don’t have the patience that Bill has when he writes his detailed Church Explorer posts, so I’m going to post a selection of visuals that caught my eye. Perhaps you will have a chance to visit this place someday. 

Mosaic Link-up


  1. Love these pictures - especially the last one!! Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. The church is really beautiful

  3. Beautiful church, inside and outside. I love the windows and the sculpture. Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  4. It is surprising to me that churches are still being built when so many are closing for lack of congregants.

  5. ...it's beautiful, inside and out.

  6. Very nicely covered, that is some beautiful stained glass. Thank you for the mention

  7. Very impressive. I'd like to know the history behind stained glass and churches.

  8. Beautiful windows. When I went to Rome and Spain, I was just taking photos of the beautiful windows.

  9. Those windows are wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  10. Wonderful! It's Thursday and time to comment...

    Your post is a feast for the eyes in many ways. A very welcome change when I look out of the window and see how rainy and cloudy it is here. Thanks for your contribution to

    Best regards,


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