January 20, 2024

Winter Distractions

We had two snow storms this week and really cold temperatures. Charlie is not built for frigid weather, but he got restless from staying indoors so much. I took him to day boarding on Tuesday and Thursday, and he does get exercise there. Since he gets anxious when I leave him by himself, I plan my longer errands and shopping trips for the days when he is at the kennel.

When we arrived at the kennel on Tuesday, the staff were in a brief meeting so we had to wait. Charlie jumped up in one of the chairs and stayed there for 15 minutes. 

I went shopping in Harrisonburg that day, and also took some pictures and went to the library. On Thursday, I went to the new Catholic church near Front Royal to take pictures for my post tomorrow. Today is Saturday Critters day, so I’ll show you some animals that were in a nativity scene at the church.

I also noticed a sculpture of St. George and the dragon.


  1. two storms in a week is not nice. Poor Charlie

  2. Hello, Linda
    We had the same two storms, snow and very cold temperatures. Cute photos of Charlie. The nativity scene and animals are lovely. Cool sculpture. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, have a great day and happy new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. ...take care and stay warm and well.

  4. Lovely pictures, as always. Hi, Charlie, you handsome Woofie you!

  5. Good idea to have the option for Charlie to stay in kennel where he can exercise! No fun with these storms! Glad you could get out to go places.

  6. It feels good to get out when it's cold and there aren't as many walks. He's a sweetheart!

  7. That second shot of Charlie is perfect.

  8. So much bad weather everywhere — I think the whole midwest, upper South, far west, and Canada are all suffering at once. Good luck to you and all of us with some clear snowless skies!
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  9. Aww I think Charlie is a sweetie :)

    All the best Jan


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