January 22, 2024

Explore More

Discovery Museum, Harrisonburg

This mural is on the side of a children’s museum. We didn’t have anything this comprehensive when my children were little. It looks like there are enough activities to keep children busy for an entire day, but if not, the regional library is just down the block


  1. What a fantastic mural for the kids. I'm sure they love it! Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  2. Great mural, explore more great advice for the children. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  3. Anything to pry kids away from their phones.

  4. ...the door almost disappears.

  5. Now that's bright and cheerful, I love this mural!

  6. my mom always took us to the library ...she was a librarian ... gosh when did she retire?? lost track of that date ...maybe 2003 ... i think?!? books are the best. always reading. so pretty. i love all the colors. so fun. had to jump down to see what you were saying on this post as well. thanks for your visits. take care. ( ;

  7. Our history museum contains a children's museum inside, but I've only been inside a couple of times, and came out each time with a headache!


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