March 2, 2018

It's Time for Blog Hops and Random Shots.

1. Sometimes I feel like a faded rose!
Sharing with Floral Friday.
2. Here's another photo from Mercy Hospital. The newly-polished floor reflected the entrance to the chapel. Frank kindly agreed to walk up and back so I could add his silhouette. I decided to make this black and white to emphasize the lines and contrast.

Lynn should be released from the hospital this weekend, but she'll be recuperating for a while.

3. I liked the sentiment on the chapel wall. 

"Allow the light to flood the heart,
to flow the veins,
to fill the space that craves."

Sharing with Signs, Signs.
4. The plastic fence is very orange but in my pictures it has a reddish cast. This keeps happening with orange objects.  Anyway, this is in Bridgewater, VA at Cooks Creek.

5. Finally, here's another fence, one that looks well-kept. The bright sky qualifies this for my Skywatch image.

Have a nice weekend!


  1. Here from Weekend in B&W...your B&W is wonderful! The contrast between the squares of the window with the man and the trees..the reflection...really nice!

  2. The only thing I don't like by polished floors is that I have always the feeling to slip somewhere. Even if it is not necessary but beware by wet cleanings.

  3. I love that B&W! Frank's silhouette is perfect!

  4. I like the fence with the birdhouse, and the black and white reflection photo is great!

  5. all nice photos. The black and white covers so many elements!

  6. Wonderful shots! The second is my favourite out of the set.

  7. Lovely photo of the rose! Wishing your daughter a quick recovery.

  8. A tinged rose. Love the shadow shot #2.

  9. Great fence shot highlighted by beautiful blue sky!

  10. Awesome shots! I especially like the reflection shot. I'll take being a faded rose if I'm as beautiful as that one. :-)

  11. Great floor polishing job there in the reflection photo!

  12. Love the black and white reflection shot.


  13. Nice job staging the reflection shot - it came out beautifully!

  14. I like the rose faded or not. Nice black and white shot, and I like the wooden fence with that beautiful blue sky.

  15. Loved the post and pics. Specially 2nd no pic, Awesome.


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