March 3, 2018

Big Birds and Sneaky Squirrel

Yesterday we had very high winds. Our normally calm lake became quite choppy, and it's just a small lake... or large pond, depending on your definition of lake. And it's not really "our" lake; it belongs to the community, but we can see it from our window. I took the geese pictures from our deck using a zoom lens. 

The thing I like about our yard is we not only have a lake view, but also a mountain view. It's the Massanutten Range. On a foggy day we can't see it very well.

Vultures Drifting on the Drafts
Like my father before me, I have tried to outsmart the squirrels. I don't mind feeding them a little bit but they hog all the seed and suet and invite their relatives too. Here we see a "squirrel-proof" feeder. Supposedly it closes the seed windows whenever something heavy sits on the perch.

Charlie figured out that he can reach seed without sitting on the perch. He just hangs from the top!


  1. Beautiful Geese and the Squirrel, love 'em.

  2. I've seen squirrels out-smart us humans so many times...they're highly intelligent & eventually get what they want!! Pretty images using your zoom for the geese.

    Sharing this blog post with us at I R B B this weekend is much appreciated, thanks!

  3. Hard to keep the squirrels away, I feed them also. They still bother the other feeders , but are comical to watch.

  4. Hello Linda!:) You are so lucky to live by a lake, and have a mountain view as well. Lovely geese and squirrel shots. Squirrels are crafty little rodents, and soon figure out how best to obtain food not meant for them, but what can we do!!:=)

  5. Never underestimate the ingenuity of a squirrel!

  6. I was just trying to talk my husband into getting a squirrel proof feeder a few days ago, I guess it's good he won the argument as your photo shows it wouldn't have helped. My lazy squirrel was sitting on the deck rail waiting for me to put out seed while a Bluejay was on the ground getting acorns. I had a few words with him about that. Your photos are beautiful as always!

  7. I'm totally convinced that if squirrels only had thumbs they could rule the world -- they are such smart little imps. You live in a perfect place -- lake and mountains in view. Wow.

  8. I love your geese photos. That squirrel is a crafty one.

  9. Hello, sorry I am late commenting. Our internet and power have been out due to a wind storm. I love the cute geese, pretty birds. Thanks for linking up your post. I hope you have a happy week ahead.

  10. It seems the squirrels are winning the day - and honoring the name of your blog!


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