When we visited Beaver Creek in June, I filled out a request to be notified when the mill's Open House would be held. A couple of weeks ago I received a postcard telling of the Quilt Show/ Open House scheduled for Sunday, November 24. Unfortunately my sister and my daughters could not go, but Frank and I went and I was glad we did.
Beautiful quilts and some other items by various artisans were displayed inside the mill, which has been converted to an incredible residence by the owners.
In the living room there are windows looking down into the millrace, where water still flows!
I have an interest in this property because some of my ancestors lived and worked here, not in this building which was built later (in 1812) but in earlier buildings no doubt built of similar stones. I wrote about these ancestors,
the Newcomers, in earlier posts.
I would not have known about this mill if I had not found the
Doub's Mill website on the internet. It's a remarkable place and less than 90 minutes from my home.