February 13, 2025

The Sun Sinks Slowly in the West

This evening I was on my way home from grocery shopping and the sky was so pretty that I pulled off in somebody’s driveway to take a picture

I’ve been struggling with the daily news, and I remind myself to look at the bigger picture. Our troubles will come and go. The planet will continue. We need to protect what we can. 

I fear that our country has become a laughing stock. The monkeys have fired the zookeepers and taken over. It’s painful and embarrassing. I feel bad for all the people who are losing their jobs. Many of us are feeling insecure about our income and the likelihood of skyrocketing prices. 

Meanwhile, I’ve downloaded a couple of apps. One is Bluesky, a social media app. My handle is my first initial and last name. The other is 5 Calls, which makes it easier to call your elected representatives. 

Well, life goes on. I allow myself to cry, but then I pull myself together. I can only do a little, but if we all a little, it adds up.


  1. It takes a bit of training to see news as they are

  2. In general,
    it will show how things will go.

  3. The planet will go on, of that there is no doubt, but the fabric of American society has changed forever, and the results are not pretty. You have good cause to weep.

  4. Gorgeous sky photo! The daily news is so depressing, I am worried and scared for our country and future. But, we have to keep moving on. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  5. Beauty captured and shared. A real gesture of love. Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for blogging here, and sharing your feelings about things. The people playing at governing are doing strange and awful things, which hurt other people deeply. The people who are at war do similar things which can not only hurt but kill, and destroy homes. When I wish for peace on earth, and say "May the Earth heal," it is to move just a tiny bit of my own power in opposition to those awful experiences. Thank you for making calls to your representatives too, and I am on Blue Sky too...blkmtnbarb.

  6. ...when the sun sinks in the west, lazy people work their best.

  7. It's so hard not to get discouraged, but keep your blog posts coming - we all need to be reminded of the beauty around us so we can be refreshed and able to keep on keeping on. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  8. Gorgeous sky! I too struggle with the daily news. Some days I just avoid it altogether. I think the bigger picture view is a good idea.

  9. I feel so bad for the people who are losing their jobs. I don't understand how this can be a good way to do business...and doing business is exactly what it's become, not for the people. Beautiful photo.

  10. Trying to be very positive, but anxious about the future with this political landscape before us.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  11. Your photo of the sky is gorgeous. You are not alone in how you feel, and I hope that helps some. It's hard to be positive I know. I'm trying too. Moving forward by calling your elected representatives, it's good that they hear our voices. They will if there is enough of us.


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