February 14, 2025

Two Photos for Friday

These two photos aren't related except that they qualify for weekend blog hops. 

First, a walkway photo for Black and White Weekend.

For Weekend Reflections, I have a Valentine’s display in a store window. Actually, I was trying to keep myself from showing as a reflection, and I didn’t notice that the sky was reflected in the upper left. You probably wouldn’t see it except for a tree showing up.


  1. ...I hope that you had a lovely day.

  2. I love both of your photos Linda! I hope you had a great day!! Have a good weekend.

  3. The black and white is very memorable

  4. That's an attractive and well-kept walkway.

  5. I’ve been catching up with your posts and I share your feelings about winter, the horror show in D.C. and Valentine’s Day. Let’s hope spring comes soon.
    best… mae at maeood.blogspot.com

  6. The window display is cute!
    Happy weekend to you!

  7. The reflection does nothing to impair the cheerful message in the window.

  8. I like them very much, lovely photos!

  9. A nice set of photos...one leading off into the distance, and one pulling the distance into the reflection on the window!

  10. Lovely leading lines in the black and white photo.

  11. A nice neat walkway. New or very well kept.

  12. Two wonderful pictures but the top one is amazing!


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