February 12, 2025

Snow Junco

The snow we got yesterday was less than predicted and also less than many other parts of Virginia got. That’s okay with me because I didn't have to pay someone to clear my driveway and sidewalk. It was melted on both by 11 o'clock this morning.

Dark-eyed juncos often visit the feeders in winter. Sometimes called snowbirds, they are fairly small and rather round.

I took a picture of some trees at 8:30 in the morning. The temperature quickly rose above freezing, and much of the pretty snow melted away. We’re supposed to get a little more tonight.

I took another picture at 11:20 this morning. I aimed to get the mockingbird in it, and later when I brought the picture up on my screen, I saw the female cardinal on the right.

By the way, my birdfeeder camera stopped working again. It did not take any pictures this morning. I think the cold temperatures last night made it shut down somehow.


  1. Very beautiful pictures.
    The birds in the snow!
    Thank you!!

  2. Great shots of the Junco, Mocking and Cardinal.
    The snow here melted quickly too. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  3. ...they are at out feeders too.

  4. Dark-eyed Juncos are the most reliable winter visitors in my backyard. Stunning little birds.

  5. Great surprise catch of the cardinal.

  6. Snow junco is so cute and small

  7. Hello Linda :)
    Lovely shots of these little birds. I almost missed the Cardinal.


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