February 11, 2025

Tired of Winter

It snowed all afternoon. Our temperature was above freezing for much of that time so we haven’t had a lot of accumulation so far. There’s about 3 inches on the ground. Augusta County, where Lynn lives, got a lot more. We could get more during the night, I hope not. I’m tired of the snow.

I’m tired of a lot of things. I’m tired of reading bad news. I’m tired of my knee hurting. I’m tired of dental problems and vision problems. And I’m tired of being tired. 

I didn’t do much this afternoon, just washed some laundry and walked the dog. This morning I went out to the store before the snow began. Then I felt exhausted. Well, yesterday was busy. I took Charlie to Seven Bends State Park for a walk, and then in the evening, I had a meeting at the Friends of the North Fork office.

Charlie is doing better in the car, but I keep an eye on him and give him snacks. He seems to be getting curious about what’s going on outside the car, which is a lot better than being fearful.

I was glad that the flooded river had receded and the bridges reopened.

North Fork of the Shenandoah 

I should have some more bird pictures to share tomorrow.  I got the camera charged on the Birdfy feeder and turned back on. I don’t know why it turned itself off. 

Here’s a picture of a squirrel on the feeder. The motion-activated camera takes videos, and sometimes I make screenshots to share. For this picture, I paused a video using a finger and then said, “Siri, can you make a screenshot?” Click! There it was! I just had to crop it. 


  1. Beautiful photos! Hope you are reenergised soon!

  2. Beautiful photos! I love the cute House Finch and your Charlie. The squirrel is cute too. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  3. Tired of being tired is no fun. Seems to me like you need a good vacation.

    1. I haven’t had one in years. The last couple of times I tried to take a vacation. It turned out to be stressful.

  4. ...no winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn.

  5. So sorry you're feeling some exhaustion...February often makes me blue, but not exactly tired. But so far this year the winter blues haven't struck yet. I hope you feel better soon, but do keep doing what you can do...love that you go out so often and take photos to share here. Good news about Charlie's continued training for car riding.

  6. Great capture on the bird and yes Charlie does seem very interested!

  7. Love your photos, especially the ones of the squirrel and Charlie. Sorry you're feeling so exhausted, and hope you find some encouragement and rest, my friend.

  8. We got slammed by two snowstorms here.


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