February 10, 2025

L-U-R-A-Y Mural

Along Hawksbill Creek

When I was planning to drive through Luray last week, I looked up the location of a new mural. That town has an impressive number of murals and I have photographed quite a few of them. I saw that there was a new one where Virginia Avenue crosses Hawksbill Creek. When I got there, I found a parking spot and realized I had been there before and had taken pictures of a mural under the bridge. But that was four years ago, so I decided to walk a little ways and see if there was another one.

I found it in the underpass across from the older mural. There was no way to get a straight-on image so I had to make do. Illustrated letters spell out the name of the town.

I walked through and photographed each letter. They include a train because this is a railroad town. Inside the R is a scene from Luray Caverns. At the far end is a painting of the “singing tower,” which has a carillon that still plays music. 

Monday Murals / Mosaic


  1. I love how you composed and framed these shots

  2. Nice mural Linda. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  3. Pretty views of the mural , the river and bridge.
    Take care, have a great day!

  4. Great mural and you brought it to us well.

  5. ...murals under bridge sare a challenge to photograph, you passed the test.

  6. Excellent coverage as a photo-journalist, or more correctly photo-artist. Whichever you choose to be today!

  7. Yes, I'm late... I'm sorry. But sometimes it's difficult with Browsers to give a comment.

    Interesting to read about this Creek. Thank you so much for sharing and being Part of MosaicMonday.

    Greetings by Heidrun


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