August 17, 2020

Colorful Luray Random-osity

Good: I found another mural along Hawksbill Creek in Luray. This one celebrates wildlife, especially fish.

 Random: I took quite a few pictures in that area so I put some into collages.

The Paul Bunyan figure stands outside a lumber company. The millstone is along Hawksbill Creek so I guess there was a grist mill there at one time.

Fun: We found an ice cream stand in a shopping center along Route 211. 


  1. A cute mural Linda, looks like a fish tank.
    Love the pretty collage of flowers and greenery. Thanks for participating Linda

  2. Lovely photos. Have a nice week. I am at #12 on the linky


  3. Hello,

    I love the fish mural, very pretty. Love the mosaic with the water and flowers. Take care, have a great day!

  4. looks like the water gets high along Hawksbill Creek!

  5. I love the mural. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Hi Linda :) Great photos, that fish mural is really neat! Oh I want some soft ice cream!!! :)

  7. I could go for ice cream right now. Did you ever read the Paul Bunyan tales? My favorite story is the one about the cooks making pancakes for Paul. They greased the skillet by skating across it with bacon tied to their feet. :-)
    That fish mural is so cool.

  8. Cute fish mural and who doesn't love ice cream? I'm with Frank.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  9. Linda - love the first collage with the bridge. And this is the perfect time of year for ice cream!!! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  10. Paul Bunyan really gets more than his share of statues! A myth no one can resist.

    be well... mae at


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