January 24, 2025

Snowman and Eyesight

 I’ve only seen a couple of snowmen this winter. I think that’s because it’s been so terribly cold outside. This afternoon was above freezing for a brief time, and the weekend should be decent, with afternoon temperature is reaching 38°F.

I’m making this a brief post because my eyes are bothering me even more than usual. I went to the retina specialist today and they dilated my pupils, so my eyes are still extra-sensitive to light. Next month I have an appointment with a different specialist  and I hope they can help me. Reading has become difficult and exhausting. 

I made a couple of brief stops this afternoon and took a few pictures in Woodstock. I also picked up groceries.

Charlie spent the afternoon in day boarding. He’s always excited when I pick him up.


  1. I'm jealous. A snowman wouldn't last long here, today was 72°F and yesterday was 76°F. Nice reflection! I hope you'll be able to get help for your eyes.

  2. I hope all goes well with your eyes Linda!
    You took very beautiful photos!
    Charlie is great!!

  3. There was a snowman here - VERY briefly - in our unusual recent snow :) We don't see them often.
    Good wishes for your eyes - photographers need them!

  4. We have lots of snow but I see few snowmen. Competition with phones must be too distracting I assume.

  5. I liked the reflection of the older building in the newer window glass. So sorry it's hard to read for your eyes, that's certainly no fun! I hope some answers will come soon. I have dry eyes and in winter it's worse, so I'm doing all these drops.

  6. Cute snowman! Does Charlie like the day boarding?
    Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

    1. He does mostly. I don’t think he likes being put in the dog run by himself, but he loves playtime in their outdoor area, and he adores the young ladies who take care of him.

  7. That reflection shot is fantastic!

  8. Sorry that you are experiencing problems with your eyes. I hope the specialist at your next hospital appointment can help you.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

    PS I did like seeing the snowman and Charlie.

  9. We haven't really had much snow here so I have seen no snowmen at all. Charlie does look very happy to see you.

  10. Have seen snowmen only in photos so bring them on!
    Take care and get well soon!

  11. I am sorry your eyes are continuing to be a problem. I hope the new specialist will provide a fast solution. Charlie must have been very happy to see you. Enjoyed your photos.

  12. We have received almost no snow so far this winter in the upper mid-west, so no snowmen here.

  13. I haven't seen snowmen here, but I haven't been looking, either.


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