January 23, 2025

Snow, Climate, and Insurance

In Virginia, snow is not unusual. But this week brought snow to the deep south, including cities on the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists tell us that warming oceans have caused more evaporation of water into the air, increasing precipitation that includes snow as well as rain. 

Like most people, I am concerned about climate change. We all need to be prepared for extreme weather events. It’s obvious that we are already in a period of changing climate. I’m not too worried about the people who want to push environmental science back fifty years. Corporations have already discovered that alternative energy sources are cost-effective. They exist to make money, not to throw it away on a lost cause. We have passed the tipping point on clean energy, but unfortunately we have also passed the tipping point on climate disasters. Update your home insurance! 

Speaking of home insurance, I had a strange thing happen with mine. It got canceled and I didn’t have any for two years! The payments come out of my bank account so I wasn’t concerned when I didn’t get bills for it, and payments were still being made on my investment property insurance. Time seems to pass so quickly now that I didn’t notice when more than a year went by without hearing anything about my policy. But something reminded me; perhaps it was stories about the California fires. I went back to look for evidence that my insurance is still current. I didn’t find it. All I found was paperwork from 2022, which included a printout showing that my insurance had been canceled then and reinstated. I had written a note on there stating that I talked to Jackie at Geico about it. I recall that there had been a problem when they got my former husband‘s home insurance policy confused with mine, but I had straightened it out. There it was on the printout that it was reinstated.

Well, for some reason they canceled it again. I was horrified to find out that my home was not insured, but I was able to sign up for a new policy. That was 90 minutes I won’t get back, but at least my house is fully insured.

I hope my readers and other friends are comfortable and safe. A lot of people have frozen pipes from the very cold weather. Our temperature finally went up to 1° above freezing today, and tomorrow is supposed to be warmer.


  1. Very cold weather....Amazing pics...Sky looks great.

  2. Beautiful pictures. Even in Bengaluru we are experiencing effing colds this year

  3. That sounds a bit scary, the insurance problem.

  4. And the cost of home insurance just keeps going up.

  5. ...enjy your winter wonderland

  6. Hello,
    The snow along the gulf coast was strange. Pretty photos, I love the goldfinch and the last image. Home insurance is costly but necessary. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  7. I loved the picture of the goldfinch looking at the snow and also the last picture. Our weather continues so strange and scary. It's good something alerted you to look at your homeowners insurance and you discovered the cancellation, and that you were able to get a new policy.

    1. Forgot to sign my name - Alana at ramblinwitham.blogspot.com Sorry about that!

  8. Glad the insurance is reinstated on your home. I'm in a frame building with 7 other apartments, and we all have smoke detectors which go off occasionally. I do have some renter's insurance, but haven't got a go-bag packed near the door like those expecting storms are urged to do. My papers are all over the place, as well as family albums...but most computer stuff is backed up on thumb-drives at least.

  9. Beautiful photos. Stay warm and safe. Scary story about your insurance. Here in CA it's a mess. Lots of dropped policies, so insurance can be very hard to get. If you can get it, you can't afford it!

  10. We live in FL and it is going down to 32 tonight :-(

  11. You ought to check out the Weaver Insurance Agency in Waynesboro, Virginia. They handle Erie Insurance.

  12. I am so glad you are now insured. Sorry, that it is colder and that your area is experiencing snow which it isn't prepared for.

  13. Wow! All the way up to 1degree. That's cold! These insurance companies are cancelling policies left and right. I like the picture of the little bird. Take care and keep warm!


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