January 22, 2025

Song Sparrow and Starlings

Sunday brought us more snow, followed by very cold temperatures. A water main broke and faucets were dry for five hours. It could’ve been worse

The cold has spread to states south of us, and even parts of Florida are covered in snow. Birds have been flocking to my feeders, and I’ve been able to trudge out there and replenish the seed supply.

The song sparrow is a delightful bird. I don’t see them as often as house sparrows.

We only got an inch or two of snow this time. I was able to adequately clear the driveway with a broom.

Starlings look pretty in the sunlight, but they can be a nuisance. They arrive in a flock and try to monopolize the feeders. Sometimes they tap on my windows, annoying the dog.

On days when it’s too snowy to go to the park, I’m glad that I have birds to watch.


  1. Awesome birds photos. Stay well.

  2. We are keeping a tap dripping ever so slightly. We had frozen pipes once which was a bit of a nightmare. Enjoyed your birds. I have some of my own today.

  3. I bet if we could read their mind starlings would have similar opinions about humans. Worse, probably.

    1. I imagine all the birds find humans to be a nuisance, or a threat to existence.

  4. Cute shots of the song sparrows, the Starling do look pretty. Take care, have a great day!

  5. I love your bird photos. The starling and song sparrows have beautiful markings.


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