January 25, 2025

Dogs and Woodpeckers

It’s time for Saturday Critters, and I'm starting with a picture of Charlie that I filtered for the pet art blog hop. Yes, he needs a nail trim, and one is scheduled for this coming week.

I like dogs and I often take pictures of dogs that I see.

A fine sheepdog was at Seven Bends State Park today, patiently listening to a talk on woodpeckers.

This was my first visit to the park since the snowfall and cold spell. There was a food drive for charity, and I brought a couple of items to drop off.

The North Fork. Sharing with Water H2O

Returning to the topic of woodpeckers, a downey woodpecker has been enjoying a seed bell.  

I’ll leave you with one more picture of Charlie


  1. Very beautiful creatures,
    Charlie looks happy!!
    Have a great day Linda with lots of Sunday smiles!!

  2. Hello Linda,
    Cute photos of Charlie! I love seeing all the different woodpeckers, they are favorites. The dogs at the park are cute. Pretty shot of the river. Thank you so much for your critter post and sharing your link. Take care, have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Charlie AND woodpeckers. Now, there’s a good way to start the day.

  4. Lovely pics, all of them. The top one of Charlie is lovely - so colourful. The last one is also cute, but Charlie looks rather wistful. Is it because of the cold weather, Charlie?

  5. It's fun seeing how water freezes on different rivers & lakes. That is if the weather is right for photographers!

  6. Hello Linda :)
    Beautiful woodpecker photos, and all the dogs are lovely, Sheepdogs are one of my favourite breeds and when I was a young girl I used to go for walks with our neighbours sheepdog, but Charlie is always the star, although he looks little sad in the last photo.

  7. Charlie's a star! Love the sheepdog patiently listening to the woodpecker talk.

  8. Fun to see Charlie, the other dogs and the Downy Woodpecker. I would be very interested on that talk about woodpeckers. I liked the snow pictures too. These food drives are so important and I hope to donate throughout the year.

  9. very cool feeding ... mom moved their feeder but it is funny how they visit sometimes ... we often think there might be a bigger prey bird around? not sure. we think or know they prefer the shade or under trees more. hope 2025 is going well for you. i am ready for warmer weather ...not to warm but at least the type i can walk outside without freezing my buns off. lol!! ( ;

  10. That seed bell looks very yummy! We dropped off a nearly new big blanket that I hope someone can use. The food drop off is good to at this time of year. Love Charlie's pics!


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