November 28, 2024

Thanksgiving 2024

It's always delightful to have my daughters visit. They provided most of the food for our Thanksgiving dinner, which was delicious.

We also celebrated Lynn’s birthday, which was Saturday. She had already celebrated with friends. 

They also worked on a bird camera app for me, which simply did not work. Lynn cleared everything off my broken old phone, which she is going to use to give the battery to a friend.  Marie copied files from an old laptop for me and then deleted them so I can sell it.  They also entertained Charlie, who was excited to see them but did not want to pose for pictures.


  1. ...I glad to see that you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. It is good to have the family together for Thanksgiving. Great photos of you, your daughters and Charlie. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend to you!

  3. Two gorgeous girls came to visit so it’s little wonder Charlie was excited.

  4. Good to have a family gathering, and of course Charlie was excited about it!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family

  6. Lovey photos of your daughters Linda.

  7. Always enjoyable to have a family gathering.

    All the best Jan


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