November 27, 2024

Turkeys and Family

Let's start with an old photo of Marie with some Thanksgiving artwork she did in school.

Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow. Turkey is traditionally served, but we’re having beef because Lynn doesn’t like turkey and I’m allergic to it. 

Here’s a photo of a real turkey that I took over ten years ago. Wild turkeys and some domestic turkeys are brown, but other domestic breeds are white.

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! The best thing about it is getting together with family and friends.

Marie arrived today. Charlie wanted all her attention.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  2. ...have a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving...I'm grateful that you and your family share here (Charlie, Marie) so I get to see another part of the beauty of the Appalachian Mountains!

  4. A lovely post.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

    All the best Jan

  5. It’s so sweet to look back at Marie’s Thanksgiving artwork! It sounds like you’ve got a great holiday setup with beef instead of turkey—how thoughtful of you both! And it’s lovely that Marie arrived just in time to spend the holiday with family. Wishing you all a warm and joyful Thanksgiving! I just shared a blog post, let me know what you think.


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