November 29, 2024

They Call it Black Friday

Supposedly the day after Thanksgiving is such a big day for retail stores that they are now “in the black” for the year. I’ve never been anxious to shop in crowded stores so I don’t participate much. Marie and I did take Charlie to Petco and I also bought food today but that was all. I might buy something online before the day is over. 

Today started early for me because Charlie woke up an hour before daylight. I managed to keep him calm until there was a little bit of light in the sky, and then we went for a walk. It was cold outside.

In late morning, we headed out to Strasburg and Front Royal. Marie drove separately because she needed to go to the airport later. She stopped to pick up something at the store, so Charlie and I arrived at the dog park in Strasburg before she did. 

There were no other dogs there, probably because it was cold with a trace of snowflakes coming down. Charlie was very happy to see Marie when she arrived. He ran around in circles, and then chased a ball.

We went to Petco in Front Royal after that and she bought Charlie a new harness. Then we had got burgers for lunch at Spelunkers, a local place which cooks fresh, juicy burgers. All too soon, she departed for Dulles Airport, where she returned the rental car and took a flight to New Jersey. 


  1. Sounds like a fun morning for all, and I am glad that Charlie was able to wag his tail at full throttle.

  2. ...the pet business is HUGE!

  3. Good photos of you and sis and Charlie! Glad you all had a nice visit together.

  4. Hello,
    Great photos of you, your daughters and Charlie.
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  5. I love how Charlie loves your daughter.
    I also try and stay away from stores on black friday.
    An organization I am with for years had an outdoors event on Black Friday which I enjoyed helping with. I went on a geocaching meetup in a nearby town and enjoyed myself.

  6. Beautiful dog! Beautiful photograph!

  7. I love the look Charlie has on his face!

  8. I do my best to avoid Black Friday!
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan


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