November 1, 2024

Sky Bryce

Basye, VA

The Sky Bryce Airport isn’t much bigger than a landing strip. It is next to the library and dog park at Bryce Resort.

When we lived at Bryce Resort, I volunteered at the library. It’s a beautiful area. Occasionally, I take Charlie to the dog park there. We were getting ready to leave the park when I heard a plane starting up. I took a few pictures with my phone.

The runway is for small planes only. They motor up to the end and turn around and take off.

In 2008, I had the fun of flying from there with a friend who was a pilot. Coincidentally, I posted pictures from that flight on November 1st, same date as today.


  1. Great captures of the airplanes.
    Take care, have a happy weekend.

  2. Flying in a small plane is closer to flying like a bird I think, and for me very scary. I prefer the big jets where being inside a tube of metal gets thrust into the sky with enormous engine noise.

  3. ...they are beautiful,
    these little planes.
    I like them and I always look to the sky when I hear one.
    Hug for you.

  4. What a charming glimpse into life at Bryce Resort! Your experience volunteering at the library and visiting the dog park adds a lovely personal touch. It must have been exciting to fly from such a quaint airport! Thanks for sharing these memories and photos.

    I just shared a new post; you are invited to read. Happy weekend!

  5. Hugs! Quaint airport are exciting to see airplanes tied down, motor off, turn around and fly. Everything looks different from up in the sky. Love it!

  6. It must have been a wonderful view from up there on such a clear day.

  7. I love small airplanes and their airports. I'll never get in one again though!!
    Nice pics!!


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