November 1, 2024

Making Bread Outdoors

Fort Valley, VA

B&W / Theme Day: Cooking

This young lady was rolling out dough for whole wheat bread. She was making it from scratch, and not even from store-bought flour. The flour had actually been freshly ground there at the Craft and Heritage Festival. You can see the woodstove for baking it on the left.

I did ask permission before taking her picture because some Mennonite churches discourage photography while others don’t mind it. 

The festival was outdoors, so I took Charlie and he behaved himself. It is sponsored by the Fort Valley Museum.

Fort Valley is a charming rural region of Shenandoah County. I decided to do the post in black-and-white in keeping with the old-fashioned theme of the festival.


  1. Great collection of photos, and I really like the first!

  2. ...reenactors love living in the past!

  3. Black & white photos are definitely an effective choice for the subject matter here. I am impressed by milling flour for handmade bread. WoW!
    best, mae at

  4. a great bunch of pictures. my preference goes to the first two. as mae, i'm impressed by the way she makes bread

  5. Very interesting post on the area, one I don't remember going to. Thanks to you I find a lot of places to visit. Very much appreciated! Also nice of you to ask permission to take those photos. It would not have occurred to me that there are those who discourage it because of their faith, but hopefully I would have figured it out. Usually I am more aware when taking photos of people. I like that you used black and white for your pictures.

  6. Fabulous black and white photographs you've shared.
    Happy new month of November.

    All the best Jan

  7. This looks like a fun festival with much to see and do.

  8. I would pay serious money to taste that bread.


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