November 23, 2024

Lynn’s Birthday and Things Charlie Saw

It's a milestone birthday for my older daughter. I made a cartoon picture of her using Picsart. I’ll let Charlie tell you about seeing her recently and also some other things that he saw.

Sometimes Lynn comes to our house. I got excited when I saw her coming and turned around in circles, which made her laugh.

She brought some things with her and fixed something under the sink. Mom was impressed because the plumber had been here and did not fix it.

I’ll show you some other things that I’ve seen. One is the gray kitty who is shy and won’t come play. 

Filtered in BeCasso for Caturday

Mom posted a picture yesterday of me on the swinging bridge. I’ll show you some more pictures from that day, starting with the river that we crossed to get to the park. 

Here’s another picture of me on the bridge. You don’t have to say that I’m brave because I’m three now, so I’m pretty much grown up.

 We saw trees and stuff, and there were lots of smells to sniff.

After we left the park, we saw a deer standing next to a house.

Then we saw some cows.

By the time we got home, the sun was going down. The days are short now. 

This is a good time to take a nap.


  1. Happy Birthday to your daughter, Linda! What beautiful landscapes! It's such a magical feeling to see a deer up close! I saw one when I was a child, and it's one of my favorite childhood memories. I even wrote a fairy tale about it—if you'd like, you can read it here:

  2. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Fab photos!

  3. Hello,
    Happy birthday to Lynn! Love the photos of your cute Charlie, the kitty and the cows. The sunset is gorgeous. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. I hope you gave Lynn extra licks for her birthday, Charlie.

  5. Happy Birthday to your daughter and lovely art of the kitty. Great pic of Charlie on the bridge!

  6. Nice photos, CHarlie. I hope Linda has a good new decade.
    best, mae at

  7. ...a nap is a wonderful thing.

  8. Happy Birthday to Lynn.
    Charlie, what interesting things you saw on your walk. What a lucky woofie you are!

  9. Great photos of critters and the surroundings! Thank you for sharing with all of us. Be well!

  10. Happy birthday to Lynn.
    I do like the photograph of Charlie on the bridge.

    All the best Jan

  11. Happy Birthday Lynn although one day late. Your mom made a lovely cartoon and l enjoyed all the sights you saw. So sweet of you to get excited when you Lynn. Good doggy!


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