November 24, 2024

Bloom Season Ends

We finally had a hard frost the other night. My reblooming iris and coreopsis succumbed to the cold. They had survived the first frost, which was just barely below freezing,  but this time they gave up. Here they are before that.

Today, Charlie and I walked around the yard and saw that some flowers are still blooming. A single small zinnia is hanging in there, and yarrow looks more conspicuous now that it’s competition is gone. 

My small garden in the back has fared better than the one in the front yard. Blanket flowers are still putting on a show, and some black eyed seasons are blooming.

And here’s my assistant looking up at me on the deck. 


  1. ...the outside blooming season is over here!

  2. You still have one sweet little flower in your last photo :)

  3. Linda - oh my, your assistant is ADORABLE! I am long past frost and any flowers left in the garden, but they sure look pretty covered with snow! A beauty all their own!

  4. Pretty flowers and a cute shot of Charlie.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

  5. Last of the season flowers are precious, almost as much as first in the spring.

  6. look at that face. what a cutie. i love the blooms. i miss them ...but glad for all seasons, happy to make it through them over and over. thankful. hope you are well. take care. ( ;

  7. So beautiful flowers :) Lovely Charlie :) Take care.

  8. Cutest Assistant ! The zinnias are beautiful. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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