November 25, 2024

Art Between Appointments

Harrisonburg, VA

I had two appointments scheduled today with several hours in between, so I researched “new mural in Harrisonburg” and located this one near Court Square. The artist is William Snyder III, and the branches of the tree represent the schools in the Harrisonburg Public School System. The mural was the idea of high school students in the city.

I took a few snapshots of the area. In one of them, you can see a decorated utility box in the distance. I walked over there and took pictures of it.

My appointments were with the dermatologist in the morning and a nurse practitioner at 3 o’clock in the afternoon for the annual “Wellness Visit” that Medicare likes you to have. I also ran several errands and got a haircut. I try to make the most of the day when Charlie’s in daycare because he does not like being left alone.

Monday Murals / Mosaics


  1. I like both the tree mural and the utility box mural which is quite colourful. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  2. I love the tree mural and the painted utility box is pretty. Take care, have a great day!

  3. Great murals. I was in Harrisonburg in 2003 for a wedding.

  4. The tree is wonderful indeed.

    Another wonderful contribution for MosaicMonday. Thank you so much for your participation, dear blog friend. ...very interesting to read!
    There is so much to discover each time and I like to read through the posts at my leisure to appreciate the pictures and text. It is a varied journey, full of surprises and lots of history.
    Greetings from Heidrun

  5. Loved the school tree mural! I've always enjoyed finding art on utility boxes.

  6. I keep trying to get photos of more of the murals in Berkeley Springs, not entirely far from you.

    1. Oh yes! I have posted a few murals from there.


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