September 20, 2024

Three Pictures with Lights

An Unintentional Theme

It was foggy outside when I walked the dog before sunrise. Street lights were still on.

I had a follow up appointment with the oral surgeon in the early afternoon. Their office was designed with a contemporary look, and I took a picture of the round lighting fixture in the reception area.

I was disappointed that a dental x-ray showed that not enough bone has filled in around the area where an upper tooth was extracted. This means I’ll need a bone graft when I get the implant, so that’s going to cost a small fortune. I’ve already exceeded the limit of what my dental insurance will pay for the year. I’ve always taken care of my teeth, but it hasn’t paid off, at least budget-wise.

While I was in Winchester, I went to a dollar store and a grocery store. On my way home, I stopped in Strasburg to take a few pictures. When I saw a man in colorful clothing walking a bike, I waited until he was across from me to take a photo. I think my fellow photobloggers will understand about looking for pictures to take.


  1. Important as a cyclist to dress so that it is easy to be spotted by motorists.

  2. Love your first photo,, good composition,,

  3. I rather like that light fitting. I'm so sorry you're having so much trouble with your teeth :(

  4. ...the first is my favorite.

  5. The first photo is lovely! Have a great weekend.

  6. It's a bummer about a bone graft. I share similar thoughts about dental insurance?
    And I like your other photos as well. A true blogger is always on the lookout for photo ops.

  7. Dang, sorry about such an unfun way to spend money. I do like your colorful photo

  8. Since you're coming close to the end of the year, you may be able to split some of the dental costs between two years worth of work. I have a cousin who's had bone grafts before her implants. She seems happy and hasn't mentioned the cost (maybe her insurances is really good!)

    1. Yes, the crown goes on last so I scheduled that for early 2025. This is the second bone graft over this particular tooth because the first one was not enough.

  9. Your 1st photo is a stunner!
    Best wishes for your dental treatment.

  10. Good luck with your teeth... I like your pictures

  11. Love the pictures! I feel your pain. I had a tooth implant 20 or 21 years ago. It took longer than expected and it cost me around 7k. Thankfully I haven't had any problems with it since.


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