September 19, 2024

Good Rain and Sunshine

This week finally brought us a nice soaking rain. It was an on and off drizzle on Tuesday, and then a good steady rain yesterday. Today was a beautiful day, although technically we are still in a drought because summer was so dry.

 Skywatch and more from this afternoon:

Charlie watched for friends to come to the dog park. Happily, his friend Ryleigh showed up. After he got tired, I drove us to Edinburg to try to fix the disposal in my condo, which is vacant and up for rent. 

We crossed Stony Creek. The water level looked normal.

I did it! I fixed the disposal, saving myself a few hundred dollars. Basically I used a mop handle to check that the basket was clear and then used my phone camera to locate the reset button underneath.

Edinburg’s annual festival is this weekend and vendors are already getting set up.

After I took Charlie home, I went back out to pick up groceries that I had ordered online. That way I didn’t have to leave him alone very long. He still does not like staying by himself, but he did well this time.

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