September 18, 2024

Virginia's Tallest Bird

The Great Blue Heron

I saw it standing behind some bushes and waited. The heron was waiting for a fish to appear. 

Great blue herons also eat frogs and small animals. They are graceful when they stand, but sometimes look gangly when they take off. I love seeing them.

Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. ...and it posed nicely for you.

  2. They are opportunistic feeders and will capture just about anything they can swallow.

  3. Love the herons, great sighting and photos.
    Take care, have a wonderful day!

  4. Here in Michigan we have a very tall bird: the sandhill crane. But our herons are also beautiful and mainly graceful. I think it’s impressive when they take off, and I like the sound of their wings.
    best, mae at


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