September 12, 2024

Skyline Views with Peggy

Shenandoah National Park

When my sister arrived on Monday afternoon, she said she wanted to go to the mountains. So we went the next day. We’ve been going there all our lives, but she’s been living in Pittsburgh and before that in Kentucky, so she hasn’t been to the Blue Ridge mountains for a while.

We entered at Swift Run Gap and drove north to Thornton Gap. It was a beautiful day, with clear blue skies.

Asters for Floral Friday
We stopped at a number of overlooks and toured the visitors center at Big Meadows.

Stony Man Overlook


  1. What a gorgeous setting - looks like you sisters had a grand time.

  2. What fun to spend time with your sister. Pretty photos and thank you for the info on my yellow flowers.

  3. Great place for sisters to celebrate.

  4. Great to share the beauty of the Blue Ridge mountains...and have a good day to be out together!

  5. Looks like a beautiful day for you and your sister to be out exploring!

  6. Having that park more or less in your back yard really looks like fun.

  7. It looks like a perfect day for your outing. I'm sure your sister really enjoyed it.


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