September 13, 2024

I took Peggy to our State Park

Seven Bends State Park

My sister had not seen our local state park since it was developed. I had driven her down to the entrance some years ago, before the park was officially opened. She likes natural areas as much as I do, so we went there on Wednesday.

The first photo shows the ramp/stairway for taking a canoe down to the river. This is the North Fork of the Shenandoah.

We visited both the Hollingsworth Road side of the park and the Lupton side, where we had a picnic and posed at the LOVE sign.


  1. It looks as if you had a great time! I love the shadow patterns in your black and white photo.

  2. Great photos of the park and you and your friend.
    Have a happy weekend.

  3. Glad to see some more photos of you and your sis enjoying the natural scenery.

  4. You had a wonderful day exploring the state park with your sister! The ramp/stairway for the canoe and the picturesque picnic spot by the LOVE sign must have made for a memorable visit. It's great that you both enjoy natural areas so much.

    I’m wishing you a lovely weekend. You are invited to read my new blog post:


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