September 11, 2024

Mounted Hawk

Edinburg, VA

This is displayed in the National Forest Service office. I believe it is a red tailed hawk. I have previously posted photos of live ones, but this example looks faded, or perhaps that’s from the fluorescent lighting.

When I searched my image folder for Hawks, the only one that came up that I have not previously shown was one pictured on a sign in Shenandoah National Park. (Bottom row.)



  1. Red-tails remind of the song from “Oklahoma” about hawks making lazy circles in the sky.

  2. Makes me wonder what this bird's backstory might have been.

  3. Sad to see a bird like this really. They always look dull in my eyes. But in the flesh (feather!) - what a sight!
    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  4. And this is hawk migration season, too. We saw a red tailed hawk during a recent trip to Vermont - with that beautiful red tail flashing. Alana


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