September 6, 2024

My Vision is Odd

I went back to the retina specialist, and my vision has only improved slightly since getting a steroid injection in my left eye. It is now 20/60 instead of 20/70, indicating I can read one more line on the eye chart. 

It has been four months since cataract surgery in my left eye, and I still have not recovered. Straight lines appear to have wavy bumps in the center. If I close the other eye, I see a spot in the center of my vision. I’m scheduled for another injection in a month. It is not painful to get one, although it sounds traumatic.

I wrote about this situation previously. At that time, I was having difficulty driving and reading, but that has improved, although my eyes still get tired rather quickly, so I don’t drive very far. Also, light appears extra bright, so I wear dark sunglasses when I go outdoors, and even then, sunlight is often painful.

While I was waiting for the dilating drops to take effect, I took a couple of pictures. There wasn’t much to look at so I aimed for abstract designs. 

Do you recognize what the first picture shows? Those are chair legs on the carpet, and I shot it on a diagonal to give it a little interest.

The second image was right in front of me, metal supports for the optical equipment. The bright blue is a reflection of my blue shirt.

I did not bother traveling this summer. It would’ve been hard on my eyes and very tiring. In a way, I feel like I have lost an entire summer. Fortunately, I was still able to take pictures and use my iPad, which allows me to enlarge pages. It also let me dictate, but the results can be ridiculous or embarrassing, so I have to proofread carefully.


  1. Linda,
    it's good that you started to see improvement in your eye,
    I hope you see improvement with the next visit. Some times are very difficult for all of us, we don't travel and live with the anxieties, luckily life has its ups and downs!!
    I hope everything goes well from now on! Have a wonderful fall.

  2. I really like your abstract B&W!
    I do hope your eye improves quickly.
    One of my sons is dyslexic, so I really relate to what you say about proofreading your dictation :)

  3. Good luck with your ongoing eye issues. I hope they can get it all resolved for you.

  4. Oh dear, that does make me commensurate with you, since I know you like to make beautiful photos. Glad your iPad does give you the blow-up to look at things closely with your right eye. I dictate other places, but don't have that feature here on blogger, sigh. And I do proof-read zealously...but there are times when oops happens.

  5. ...I haven't had an eye injection in a number of years, they have helped me.

  6. I hope you get some help with your eye problems.
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  7. It sounds like you're going through a challenging time with your vision and treatment. I'm glad to hear that there's been a slight improvement, but I understand it must be frustrating to still have issues, especially with straight lines appearing wavy and experiencing bright light sensitivity. It’s good that you’re managing with sunglasses and taking breaks to avoid eye strain.

    Your approach to capturing abstract designs while waiting for your eyes to dilate sounds creative and could be a way to channel some of the frustration into something positive. I hope the upcoming injection brings more improvement and that your vision continues to recover. Keep your spirits up, and remember to take good care of your eyes during this process. If you have any questions or need support, I'm here to help.

  8. Well composed and shot!
    Godspeed your eyesight recovery.

  9. It's a challenging time, and I hope you can experience some continued improvement. The iPad sounds like a good workaround and I hope it is only temporary. Alana

  10. I am very sorry to read that you are still not 100%. It has been a long journey for you. Heading in the right direction though, just taking its own sweet time!


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